The ship is a first person murder mystery like multiplayer game built on the source engine. The plot is as follows. A large group of passengers have been invited onto a free cruise invited by a mysterious man called mr.x. Once far off shore Mr.X tells the passengers that in order to get back to civilization they have to murder a different assigned passengers and are awarded money for each successful murder.
The gameplay is very simple. It plays like half-life with an inventory system and needs. by needs i mean that your character has needs that have to be maintained, like using the bathroom, eating, sleeping, and social interaction. This adds a sims like quality to the game that I think is just for filler because it's usually just plain annoying. Having to worry about avoiding getting murdered while trying to murder your target keeps you on your toes and makes you think on how to avoid looking suspicious to hide from your pursuer.
(there is also a singleplayer mode with a fairly good storyline to it.)
I would highly recommend getting this game as it is inexpensive and very fun for killing time
Bioshock is a first person shoot that has received numerous awards for its ingenious plot and addictive gameplay. The year is 1960 you are a man named Jack who's origins are unknown. The opening cinematic shows you looking through his point of view at a gift in your lap while the first words play "They told me. Son your special, you were born to do great things. you know what? They were right." just as that finishes the plane goes down for unkown reasons. you decend into the ocean below watching the wreckage sink and almost getting sliced up by a propeller. As you reach the surface you are surrounded by the flaming wreckage of the plane and you start to swim towards a light house in the distance beginning your journey to rapture the underwater city where normal laws don't apply.
Rapture was made by Andrew Ryan who believed in a communist type of living where man should work for what he gets and no more or less. He also believed in scientific freedom and created rapture for those who wanted to do things such as the more frowned upon parts of genetic engineering. This led to the discovery of adam and then plasmids. Adam is described as a raw form of stem cells that when introduced into the body would find and replace stable cells with the unstable adam ones. Plasmids are serums made from adam that when introduced to the body re writes your genetic code allowing you to do amazing things such as shoot lightning out of your fingertips or gain the power to use mind control. This used EVE which is a modified version of ADAM used to fuel the plasmids and is like plasmids injected into the blood stream through a needle.
The use of ADAM did come with side effects as seen on the common enemy in rapture called splicers. Splicers get there name from splicing their genes with too much adam eventually causing them to become horridly disfigured and lose their humanity, the only thing that gets them through each day is killing anything that moves and harvesting it's ADAM.
The gameplay holds up very well seeing as the game came out in 2007. The controls are very weird at first but you get used to them quite fast. The ominous atmosphere has you ever on your toes and a new creepy scene or shady looking dimly light room awaits you around every corner.
Opening cinematic (Note: I am not the creator of this video and all credit goes to its uploader caspa9141 and the creators of bioshock)
As of yesterday anyone who is a Battlefield 3 premium member or purchased a copy of battlefield 4 you got access to the beta. The bf4 beta features one map called Siege of Shanghai, where you battle through the streets of shanghai. This map was famous in their reveal trailer for a skyscraper that if it took enough damage would collapse and the skyscraper was replaced with a piles of rubble and hazy dust clouds.
What I like about Bf4 is the variability not only in the maps which would have things like multistory building access through elevators and being able to raise roadblocks on bridges as a foot soldier to block out tank and trucks from accessing the area until the enemy can overcome you and lower the blocks. The other variability is in the soldier and weapon customization. You are able to customize your soldiers camo (though its only cosmetic) to a large variable of parts to attach to your weapon from sights to barrel attachments and weapon grips.
The game play isn't much different from battlefield 3 but I feel like using a sniper rifle was easier but this may have been due to zeroing in the sniper rifles (zeroing in a sniper allows the scope to be adjusted to the range of what your aiming at so you don't have to account for bullet drop as much) the other classes assault, engineer, and support all have unique parts to their classes. Assault manly uses battle rifles and carbines with the gear being med kits and explosive devices. The engineer mainly uses pdw's (personal defence weapons) and has gear usually being vehicle repair tools or launched explosives (rocket launchers and such). And support uses light machine guns, varied explosives and ammo resupply boxes. And finally snipers use sniper rifles mainly (kind of obvious) and varied enemy detection devices (such as a hand thrown movement sensor) and hand explosives (i.e. c4)
overall i rate bf4 beta (keep in mind its not the full version of the game) a 7.8/10