Titanfall is the first game out of a brand new studio called respawn entertainment (the same team that made the last good call of duty's). Titanfall is a fps mixed with mech combat that creates some very unique moments. Titanfall is a multiplayer only game which doesn't work for a story very well but at least they tried. The story as I have gathered is the IMC is military power that goes to other planets and mines them for resources killing the wildlife and destroying the worlds as they go. But a recent rebel group called the militia is fighting them off as best they can basically being an terrorist for good reasons.
In titanfall you get to play as pilots who are highly trained extremely agile soldiers who can traverse the terrain using a sort of jetpack/jumppack thing. And you get to play as the titans (mechs) the titans as of now come in 3 different chassis the stryder is extremely fast but has little armor, the atlas is well balanced in agility and defense and then the ogre which is very slow but heavily armored. Both the pilot and the titans have customization loadout ranging from the usual guns and grenades to special abilities like cloaking and sped up health regeneration or titans exploding with nuclear force when you eject from them.
The game modes are the usual team deathmatch, control points, capture the flag etc but one mode is unique it is called last titan standing. In this mode everyone spawns with a titan and in the end the last team with a working titan wins.
What I really liked about titanfall was the maps, the maps were all different, fun to play and extremely atmospheric. The design was good providing a good mix of titan and pilot battlegrounds and areas built to suit the different weapons you can utilize.Titanfall is a brilliant fps/mech combat game that deserves a play